2016年5月16日 星期一

芝士辣雞炒年糕 Spicy fire chicken with cheese and rice cake

Amy's Kitchen & Recipe
Youtube: Amylaceous Kitchen
Instagream: Amylaceous
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amylaceous
芝士辣雞炒年糕 材料:  (2-3人份)
雞胸肉     300克
韓式年糕   1杯(約250克)
蒜頭       2瓣
韓式辣醬   1-2湯匙
糖/黑糖    1湯匙
鹽         1/3茶匙
豉油       1湯匙
麻油       1湯匙
芝麻       1湯匙
水         2/3杯/185毫升

多謝觀看 :D
Spicy fire chicken with cheese and rice cake Ingredients: (For2-3 servings)
Chicken breast              300g
Korean rice cakes         1 cup (about 250 grams)
Garlic                             2 cloves
Korean chili sauce         1-2 tbsp
Sugar / brown sugar      1 tbsp
Salt                                1/3 tsp
Soy sauce                      1 tbsp
Sesame oil                     1 tbsp
Sesame seeds               1 tbsp
Water                             2/3 cup (185 ml)
Ground pepper
Cheese (Cheddar / Mozzarella Cheese)

Thanks for watching :D



自製瑞士雞翼|嫩滑超入味 Swiss chicken wings Recipe*Happy Amy

自製瑞士汁整超入味嫩滑瑞士雞翼!好簡單就可以做到喇!😆🐣 整好左嘅滷水汁仲可以重覆用黎滷豆腐、滷蛋同滷雞脾~🤤💗 Homemade chicken wings!! Super easy!! You can also reuse the save for cook...